The “External & Internal Elemental Adventures” offered are unique, intensely customised & integrated, and specifically co-ordinated & crafted for pre-eminent clients by some of the world’s leading life, leadership & peak performance coaches & consultants specialising in ‘whole-system balance’, including distinguished hosts Darshita & Rowan Gillies
The process is systemic, seamlessly infusing everyday activities and specially-customised elemental activities (the so-called ‘external adventuring’), with deep levels of multi-dimensional awareness & peak states (the ‘internal adventuring’).
This literally upgrades a ‘distinctly special travel destination’ into a ‘unique multi-dimensional & transformative life-travel experience’.
The thrill and positive life-enhancing effect of these playful & profound interactions at the edge of your comfort zone is astonishing, always endure way beyond your time with us, and shape what future comes to meet you next in your life…